Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A Non-Traditional Thanksgiving Day

This was the first year that I did not celebrate the American holiday of Thanksgiving in the traditional fashion. A close second would be the Thanksgiving Day that Susan and I met in NYC to fly to India. That year I was thankful for my parent's blessing, for we left America right after the attacks in Mumbai. But today, as I reflected on 2011, I have so much for which to be thankful! Several friends advised me this time last year to write down the stories of God's faithfulness and provision as I was in the process of moving here. As you might have guessed, I did not do that. So this morning, I wrote down all the stories that I could remember (and numbered them as I went along, just for kicks). My hand was quite tired afterwards, for I wrote down 126 stories!!!! God has done immeasurably more than I could ever ask or imagine!!!! Many of those stories are of how God used you to bless me. So thank you all for your prayers and support the past 365 days!

Ironically, another story I wrote down in my journal was the reason why 24 November, 2011, was such a non-traditional Thanksgiving day. That evening, we hosted the 1st Annual David Jack Memorial Lecture. We celebrated David's life, his passion for sharing the love of Christ with those around him, and his desire to advance God's Kingdom in the area of science and medicine. In fact, David was writing a book titled, Molecular Romance. So it was appropriate that Dr. John Patrick gave the lecture titled, Molecular Romance: Is there more to life than science? Many of his peers and professors were in attendance and were challenged that "...if you love him, do some of the things he was doing... read outside the box." I am thankful that God is being glorified even in David's death. I am thankful, for him, that he is now in the presence of his Lord and Savior.

The David Jack Memorial Lecture titled, Molecular Romance: Is there more to life than science?can be found at:

This photo was taken at Ninewells in February 2010, when we came over for the CMF national conference. David couldn't make it to the conference, but we had lunch with him to celebrate and discuss our future plans of moving to Dundee!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Taryn to Town!!!

What's Megan been up to lately?

Well, December 18 - 23 she hosted me -- Taryn! I've always wanted to have a blog. Thankfully, Megan said I could write a guest post about my holiday!

Due to cool rainy weather my cold toes had no feeling until I came to my senses and wore my hiking boots for our amazing sight-seeing adventures -- Saint Andrews, Glamis Castle, Stirling Castle, William Wallace Monument, and Edinburgh Castle. After the 3:15 pm sunset each day, we returned to the house, sat around the Monopoly board by the Christmas tree in the "warm room," and indulged in delicious foods -- tea, tea, tea, hot chocolate, scones, pan de chocolate, biscuits, fruit tarts, lasagna, and garlic bread. I learned a wee bit of Scottish vocabulary -- wearing trousers, staying for a cuppa, and wishing friends a Happy Christmas! I noted a few challenges -- crunching for the kingdom -- a phrase I used describing the way clothes feel after drying on the radiator. On the other hand, I know people who have invested in heated towel racks, but in the Stadalsky/Kibbey household, the bathroom radiator heated my towel each day during my shower for no extra charge! At home in the US today, I dreaded unloading the dishwasher, but washing the dishes by hand did not seem at all burdensome in Scotland -- especially when I stood by and watched Megan wash them (note the facial expression in the picture!

Each aspect of the visit brought joy to my heart. However, the very best part was spending time with Megan, Jennifer, Scott, John Spencer, and Sophia and seeing how God is gifting, equipping, challenging, and providing for each person. I am so encouraged to see the body of Christ in action -- loving, including, and inviting others to join in. I left remembering more of the power of the resurrection, and experiencing a deeper sense of freedom and love that come from knowing Jesus. And, now that I'm back home in Charleston, Megan's life in Scotland is continuing. I'm sure she will write more soon!