The first few days of June I spent with my parents in Michigan! We had a great time...
Thanks for a great vacation!
Then I headed to North Carolina for 5 more weeks of cross cultural training. Because the past 9 months have been quite overwhelming, I am grateful for these 5 weeks. I am enjoying the time of decompressing, learning things about how to enter the Scottish culture, learning more about myself and being reminded of who I am in Christ, spending time with my teammates, and getting to know my roommate, Jessica, who is also going to the UK to disciple students. God is so sweet in his provision!

I had a free weekend to reconnect with some friends in South Carolina...

What a fun and relaxing weekend!

Corrie Anna learning where I'm headed.
Loved the update and pictures. Thank you for sharing!! Praying your training continues to go well and you finish it rested and refreshed. =)