Thursday, June 16, 2011

June: More goodbyes and training

The first few days of June I spent with my parents in Michigan! We had a great time...

Thanks for a great vacation!

Then I headed to North Carolina for 5 more weeks of cross cultural training. Because the past 9 months have been quite overwhelming, I am grateful for these 5 weeks. I am enjoying the time of decompressing, learning things about how to enter the Scottish culture, learning more about myself and being reminded of who I am in Christ, spending time with my teammates, and getting to know my roommate, Jessica, who is also going to the UK to disciple students. God is so sweet in his provision!

I had a free weekend to reconnect with some friends in South Carolina...
What a fun and relaxing weekend!

Corrie Anna learning where I'm headed.

May: Leaving Boston

As one can imagine, I was quite busy during the month of May. I spent the month wrapping up work, saying goodbye to family and friends, getting rid of my things, and packing. Here are a few picks...
Saying goodbye to a few Tufts friends... Alicia, Kerry and Ruth. Notice the Scottish flag in the background! Kerry, I'm so glad it worked out that you were in Boston. Alicia thanks for making the trip back from LA!

Krista helped me a lot during the past couple of months... with getting support letters out and assisting in packing all my things in 5 suitcases! Thanks for helping me move...twice!

Andrea has been such a blessing. I couldn't have gotten everything done over the past 9 months without your help. Thanks! And for the record, we ran a little this spring. But not the Boston Marathon nor the Applefest Half Marathon for that matter!

Memorial Day weekend I went to my brother's for a fun final weekend together. Oh how I will miss my niece and nephew, Billy and Bella!

Last day of work...

Last night in Boston ...

These are some of the dear women who prayed for me and helped me practically in so many ways this year! I have felt like Moses when Hur and Aaron held his hands up and they won the battle! Thanks ladies!

Some sweet friends brought me to the airport...

I will miss our "spontaneous" Thursday evenings. Thanks for all of the meals, hugs, and water!

Grace, I will miss our meetings in the hall!

Little did I know that when I moved to Boston 3 years ago, it would become home. Little did I know that these years would be a time of such growth and preparation for a new chapter of my life. What fun memories. What sweet friends. I will miss you all, and will certainly come back to visit when I skip back over the pond on holiday!