Thursday, June 16, 2011

June: More goodbyes and training

The first few days of June I spent with my parents in Michigan! We had a great time...

Thanks for a great vacation!

Then I headed to North Carolina for 5 more weeks of cross cultural training. Because the past 9 months have been quite overwhelming, I am grateful for these 5 weeks. I am enjoying the time of decompressing, learning things about how to enter the Scottish culture, learning more about myself and being reminded of who I am in Christ, spending time with my teammates, and getting to know my roommate, Jessica, who is also going to the UK to disciple students. God is so sweet in his provision!

I had a free weekend to reconnect with some friends in South Carolina...
What a fun and relaxing weekend!

Corrie Anna learning where I'm headed.

1 comment:

  1. Loved the update and pictures. Thank you for sharing!! Praying your training continues to go well and you finish it rested and refreshed. =)
